I International Meeting of Young Researchers on Heritage - PatrimoniUN10


On behalf of the Project "Campus of International Excellence on Heritage - PatrimoniUN10", a joint initiative among the 10 Universities from Andalucia (Spain) headed by the University of Jaén, we cordially would like to invite you to the "1st International Meeting of Young Researchers on Heritage - PatrimoniUN10".

Successful doctoral education is fundamental to the development and progress of the Heritage studies. The main goal of the meeting is to give young researchers the opportunity to present their work and to foster interaction between invited speakers and young researchers.

The meeting will be held in November 19-21 in Baeza (Spain). This city is included in the world heritage list as a part a the Renaissance Monumental Ensembles of Úbeda and Baeza (http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/522)

Every session starts with a speech of a invited plenary speaker on a heritage topic.

The Provisional Program of the meeting is now a available in this link







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